How To Give Your Daughter's Gorgeous Head of Hair a Hot Oil Treatment

With your children’s hair, it’s important to stay attentive. You want to make sure that it stays as healthy and strong as possible to ensure her comfort and confidence. A hot oil treatment can make all the difference in hair health, so it’s important to know how to do them and what they do.
What is a Hot Oil Treatment?
Hot oil treatments have been around for a long time. It’s a process of using hot oil to moisturize, condition, and nourish dry, brittle, or weak hair and prevent damage. Keeping on top of hot oil treatments often can help with keeping away frizz, dandruff, and split ends, and overall ensures your child’s hair stays healthy and strong.
What Can I Use?
There are a lot of options for what you can use for hot oil treatment. Coconut oil is an excellent option, but you can also use almond oil or extra virgin olive oil. The vitamins and fatty acids in these oils provide good moisturizers and nutrients for natural hair to ensure it has everything it needs to flourish.
How To Do One At Home
The first step is to start with freshly washed, detangled hair. While you can apply hot oil to dry hair, this is when your child’s hair will need replenishing the most as shampoo will have stripped away the hair’s natural oils. After you’ve chosen the oil you want to use, you can heat it up in the microwave (only heat up a few tablespoons for a few seconds) and test to make sure the temperature is safe for your child’s scalp. Once you’re ready, gently massage the oil into your child’s hair, making sure to coat it thoroughly, and let it sit under a shower cap for 20-30 minutes until you’re ready to rinse. (You can also leave the oil on overnight if you prefer.) Make sure to do them every week or two, and you’ll start noticing the difference in your daughter’s hair soon.
If you wish to give your child a professional hot oil treatment or have any questions, come to Just 4 Girls Salon. You can call us, or visit one of our two locations today at 568 Fayetteville Rd SE in Atlanta (678) 927-0554 or 1295 W Spring St STE 101 (inside Smyrna Market Village) (678) 391-4622. You can also book for either location online if you wish!