Hair Typing And Curls

We often think of hair in terms of straight, wavy, and curly but hair texture and thickness are so much more! Hair typing can help determine the best products for your child's hair and even the best ways to cut and style it. Continue reading to discover more about the importance of hair typing.
Common Hair Types
There are four commonly identified curl types: wavy (2); curly (3); and coils (4). Each hair type then falls into one of three subgroups according to density: a) thin; b) medium; c) dense. Many people actually have multiple hair types and curl patterns throughout their heads, too! These hair types can change how you care for your child's hair and how your stylist will cut and style it.
Caring For Different Hair Types
Type 4
Avoid Frequent Cleansing. Type 4 hair is typically naturally dry and cleansers can cause a lot of damage, particularly those containing alcohol. Type 4 hair shouldn't be washed more than once per week and even up to once every two weeks. If your child's hair gets dirty between shampoos, use conditioner to "wash" it without causing it to dry out.
Moisturize Often. Moisturizing daily with a lightweight product will help keep hair nourished, hydration is important for keeping type 4 hair its healthiest.
Styling. Type 4 hair is beautiful but often fragile, avoiding excessive heat, taking care to detangle gently, and using protective styles can help keep your child's hair gorgeous and strong.
Type 3
Avoid Frequent Cleansing. Type 3 hair may need to be cleaned more often than Type 4, but it isn't typically needed more than once per week. Washing too frequently can strip natural oils from the hair, leaving it dry and fragile.
Seal in Moisture. Applying a lightweight oil while hair is wet can help lock in moisture without weighing down your child's curls.
Styling. Protect your child's hair from overexposure to heat tools and define curls using a lightweight product.
Type 2
Cleansing. Depending on the density of your child's hair, it is likely beneficial to wash every other day or up to twice a week. Type 2 hair isn't particularly vulnerable to shampoos containing alcohol but it can still cause strands to become dry and fragile.
Deep Condition. Natural oils are great for moisturizing but can leave Type 2 hair looking and feeling greasy if used too often. Deep conditioning your child's hair every few weeks can help add moisture back into the strands without leaving it weighed down.
Styling. Avoid creams and gels that can weight down waves, instead opt for light mousse products. Type 2 curl patterns are not as affected by heat but it is still better to reduce the use of heat when possible.
Hoping to learn more about your child's unique hair type? Make an appointment today, our professional stylists at Just 4 Girls Salon are here to help with all your child's hair care needs! Call or visit one of our three convenient locations today at 568 Fayetteville Rd SE in Atlanta (678) 927-0554; 5245 Langford Park Dr. STE C in Norcross (470) 433-0090; or 1295 W Spring St STE 101 (inside Smyrna Market Village) (678) 391-4622 or book for any location online!